Авторы |
Название презентации |
Загрузка |
Tatiana Akivis |
Definitions and main dynamical processes in the coastal zone |
Ruben Kos'yan |
Sediment transport in the nearshore zone |
Hans Kunz |
Spatial coastal protection as tool for sustainable development ofcoastal zones |
И.О. Леонтьев |
Прибрежная морфодинамика и прогноз развития берега |
Rafal Ostrowski |
Wave deformation and breaking in the coastal zone |
Dronkers Job |
ENCORA - Sharing Expertise for Sustainable Management of ourCoasts |
Krzyminski Wlodzimiers, DavisPeter, Sztobryn Marzenna |
A project SeA-Man as a next step to support Polish coastal zonemanagement |
Irina Chubarenko |
Littoral-pelagial water exchange due to convective machanisms |
Andrei Zatsepin and V.V.Kremenetskiy |
Wind forcing impact over water dynamics and shelf - deep seaexchange processes |
Peter O. Zavialov |
Physical Interactions between Continental Discharges and CoastalOcean: An Attempt of Brief Review |
В. Л. Болдырев |
Морфодинамика берегов Калининградского побережьяБалтики |
Dmitry A. Domnin, Boris V.Chubarenko |
Interreg-Tacis Project Sustainable Development Indicators forSouthern-East Baltic |
Malgorzata Robakiewicz |
Sediment transport and morphology changes in river mouths andestuaries |
Г.А. Сафьянов |
Литодинамика и морфодинамика эстуариев |